Homemade Scratch Grains
All of the major chicken feed distributors sell pre-bagged scratch grains which contain a variety of grains, but you can also easily make your own.
As an alternative to commercial scratch, you can easily mix up bulk grains purchased from your feed store or local grocery store.
Try a blend of cracked corn, oats, barley, wheat, flax seed, sunflower seeds, unsalted peanuts, walnuts, dried cranberries or raisins... your girls will love it. Or you can even purchase bagged bird seed mixes.
Store your scratch mix in a rodent-proof container in a cool, dry location. Toss it on the ground or in your coop, it's a great way to help beat winter boredom and cabin fever.
Remember, it's a treat, so should be fed in moderation, preferably just before bedtime to take advantage of its warming properties. I figure on about 1-2 Tablespoons of grains per chicken.
Berry Box Scratch Treat Toy
You can also fill empty plastic berry boxes with the scratch and put them in your coop or run.
Your chickens will love kicking them around to get the treats out. This is a great way to keep them occupied and busy doing something other than pecking at each other if they are confined indoors due to bad weather.
Ultimate Scratch Grains
If you really want to treat your girls, you can add some other fun add-ins to either a commercial scratch grain mix or start literally "from scratch".
This recipe is my girls' favorite --> Get the recipe (recipe courtesy Hobby Farms Magazine)
Garlic-Infused Olive Oil Scratch Treat Another variation is to add some garlic-infused olive oil to a mix of scratch and layer crumble. The olive oil and garlic adds more great antioxidants and nutrition for your girls. This amount of garlic-infused olive oil scratch is enough for about a dozen chickens.
Mince three garlic cloves and put them in a glass with 1/4 Cup olive oil.
Set the glass on a sunny windowsill or warm spot for 3-4 hours.
When ready to use, stir the oil mixture into 2 Cups of layer crumble and 1 Cup scratch and feed immediately.
Discard any leftovers.
If our flock is any indication though, there will never be anything left! My girls love this recipe, I urge you to try it.